Job Hiring in Balamban, Cebu

Balamban, the “Shipbuilding Capital of the Philippines,” has a high concentration of companies that offer highly technical jobs related to ship manufacture, ship repair, and numerous support industries. If you have expertise in engineering or ship design, Balamban may be the place to be. The need for wider support funnels to maintain and expand the shipbuilding and repair industry has also laid the groundwork for many other jobs to rise up in the area. Use Mynimo to find these and other jobs in Balamban or the surrounding area. Download the app or check out the easy-to-use website to find careers, temporary jobs, and other openings that meet your unique skills and needs.

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While small, Balamban is home to the West Cebu Industrial Park (WCIP), a 540-hectare mixed-use development that is home to major shipbuilders and other supporting industries. This makes the small municipality of 95,000 residents one of the highest-earning in Cebu Province per capita, in addition to earning for itself the moniker “The Shipbuilding Capital of The Philippines”. Soon, it may become a major city on the west coast of Cebu island in its own right, pending a cityhood bill that is currently in Congress. This may pave the way for even more jobs to be created in Cebu Island’s historically less-populated western coast. Even now, the presence of two major malls and several banks and financiers have already sealed Balamban’s role as a current and future hub for Cebuanos on the west coast of the island. Mynimo makes it easy to find jobs in Balamban or any other place you need to be. The focus on localization and skills matching make Mynimo the place to be to find jobs right in your hometown. Build your career in Balamban or anywhere else you need to with Mynimo.

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